Using Recovery Cafés to Quit Drinking

Recovery Cafés are a growing model of alcohol free days and nights that are being developed across Glasgow. 

A Happy and Safe Environment

Recovery Cafés aim to provide happy, safe environments where people in recovery and the wider community can come together to socialise, give & receive support, participate in activities, whilst displaying that recovery can and does happen. These allow attendees to talk about their goal to quit drinking with others with similar experiences.

These Cafés operate throughout the week including weekends and are open from morning to early evening.

A key goal for GEAAP’s Peer Mentoring service is to accompany and introduce individuals in early stage recovery to the friendship and opportunities offered by Recovery cafes such as the Sunday Social. Individuals are able to attend with family members and attending activities such as the recovery cafes greatly increases the chances of an individual achieving and maintaining long term recovery from alcohol issues.

For those that are trying to quit drinking, this kind of support network without alcohol can prove helpful. Being able to meet new people, discuss common issues and learn new skills are key for those in recovery. Attempting to quit drinking can feel lonely at times, therefore reaching out to a new community can revitalise the social life of a person in recovery.

Locations Across Glasgow

These cafes are located across Glasgow and offer a bite to eat and the opportunity to participate in a wide range of free activities such as arts & crafts, alternative therapies, computing and cooking courses as well as giving access to recovery meetings and counselling services to quit drinking.

More Information on recovery cafes and activities across Glasgow and Scotland wide can be found by following this link to the Scottish Recovery Consortium:

For more information on cafes in the Glasgow area contact GEAAP at


Need Some Advice?

Do you have a question about our Recovery Cafés, or just need some advice? Click here to get in touch with the team.

Road To Recovery

After an initial positive, linking in with and attending a range of medical appointments, he managed a period of abstinence before sadly, relapsing back to problematic alcohol use.

Road To Recovery

After an initial positive, linking in with and attending a range of medical appointments, he managed a period of abstinence before sadly, relapsing back to problematic alcohol use.

  • Alcohol can lower your blood sugar levels, which can cause seizures.

  • Alcohol is associated with 33% of major trauma patients and 25% of all trauma patients.

  • Two in five (41%) of prisoners report being drunk at the time of their offence.

  • 71% of alcohol-related hospital stays were men.

  • Alcohol was a factor in 3,705 deaths in Scotland in 2015.

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Need Some Advice?

If you are struggling with alcohol and would like to speak to one of our counsellors, or simply have a question about our services please get in touch. 

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